You can contact the department online via the feedback form or using the contact details below.
Northern Territory Department of Logistics and Infrastructure
GPO Box 2520
Darwin, NT 0801
Phone: 08 8999 5511
Buses, taxis, driving and vehicles
Bus safety / transit officers
To report an incident on a bus, at a bus interchange, stop or shelter, call a transit officer on 8999 8777 or text 0457 507 558.
The transit officers work during the hours the bus network is operating.
If you need to report an incident outside of these hours, call the police on 131 444.
Commercial passenger vehicles and taxis
Motor vehicle licensing and registration
Phone: 1300 654 628
Go to the NT Government website to find a Motor Vehicle Registry (MVR) office.
Public transport
The interchange offices are closed on public holidays and from Christmas Day to New Years Day.
Phone: 08 8924 7666
Go to the NT Government website to find a bus interchange.
Road safety
Phone: 08 8924 7019 or 1800 720 144
Fax: 08 8924 7077
Road conditions
For the latest on road conditions across the Northern Territory, visit the Road Report website, or like us on Facebook RoadReportNT.
Phone: 1800 246 199
Marine safety
Find out how to contact the regional harbourmaster on the NT Government website.
Mapping and data
Aerial photography
Digital data
NT land information systems
ILIS Support
Phone: 08 8995 5309
GIS Support
Phone: 08 8995 5308
Planning, development and Crown land
Building Advisory Services
Find out how to contact BAS on the NT Government website.
Crown land estate
Find out how contact a Crown land estate office on the NT Government website.
Development Assessment Services (DAS) and Lands Planning
Find out how to contact a planner on the NT Government website.
Development Consent Authority (DCA)
Read about the DCA.
Land valuation
Find the contact information on property valuations on the NT Government website.
Planning appeals
Planning appeals are managed by the Northern Territory Civil and Administrative Tribunal (NTCAT).
Find the contact information on the NTCAT website.
Place names
Find the contact information or leave a feedback on the Place Names Committee website.
Specification services
Survey land records and surveying
Find the contact information on land surveys on the NT Government website.
Roads, buildings and infrastructure
Development approvals for impacts on government managed roads
Find the contact information on applying for permit to work within a government managed road on the NT Government website.
Strategy, policy and legislation
Specification services
Roads, traffic management and transport infrastructure
Infrastructure projects
View current and completed projects, or like us on Facebook NT.DLI.
Media enquiries
For media enquiries, call 08 8924 7287 or email
Freedom of information
For freedom of information (FoI) requests email
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