- DLI projects
- Jim McConville Oval - Ground Upgrades
- Alice Springs CBD revitalisation
- Anzac Oval Precinct Master Plan
- Arnhem Highway duplication planning study
- Bagot Road - improving cycling
- Bagot Road pedestrian overpass handrail upgrade
- Batchelor Airport Master Plan
- Bayview drain erosion protection
- Berrimah Road duplication
- Berrimah gravity sewer construction
- Berrimah Road speed limit change
- Buntine Highway investment strategy
- Carpentaria Highway major upgrade
- Central Arnhem Road upgrades
- Chung Wah and Emery Avenue roundabout
- Coolalinga road safety upgrades
- Cotton Gin intersection – Stuart Highway, Katherine
- Cox Peninsula Road and Southport Road intersection upgrade
- Darwin Passenger Rail Terminal
- Darwin Urban Asphalt Projects 2024
- Darwin bus stop upgrades 14 and 129
- Dundee Beach boat ramp
- Elcho Island Airstrip
- Emergency Vehicle Priority (EVP) system
- Fishing jetty – Dudley Point
- Former Don Dale Youth Detention Centre site demolition
- Gunn Point and Glyde Point Road planning study
- Heavitree Gap planning study
- Hospital precinct intersection upgrade
- Kahlin Compound Memorial – design
- Katherine High School STEAM Centre
- Leanyer Primary School - new classroom building
- Lot 495, Town of Katherine – demolition
- Marrakai Road – upgrade and seal Arnhem Highway to Stephen Road
- Maryvale Road
- McMillans Road, Northlakes pedestrian crossing
- Middle Arm Sustainable Development Precinct
- Oenpelli Road – repairs and maintenance
- Palmerston bus stop upgrades
- Parap Preschool Redevelopment
- Pinelands road safety upgrades
- Planning infrastructure for future integrated ferry services study
- Richardson Park community space
- Road safety program
- Rum Jungle intersections
- Safety Upgrades at Roger Vale Drive and the Stuart Highway, Alice Springs
- Safety upgrades at Larapinta Drive, Blain Street and Diarama Close
- Shiers Street Housing Redevelopment
- Social Housing Accelerator Payment
- Stuart Highway Road Safety Improvements– Stuart Park
- Stuart Highway duplication at Katherine East
- Tanami Road upgrades
- Tennant Creek Streetscaping
- Tennant Creek entry statements
- Tennant Creek to Darwin infrastructure corridor
- Territory-wide audit of septic tank type sewerage systems at all NT Government-owned and managed locations
- Tiger Brennan Drive and Berrimah Road intersection overpass
- Tiger Brennan Drive and Wishart Road intersection upgrades
- Trower Road pedestrian overpass handrail replacement
- VMBs at boat ramps
- Vanderlin Dr and Lee Point Rd intersection
- Vanderlin Drive duplication planning study
- Variable message signs on Territory roads
- Victoria Highway roadworks
- Weddell Freeway Planning Study
- Zuccoli Primary School
- Traffic signal - ITS devices and streetlighting maintenance for a period of 60 months
- Royal Darwin Hospital 32 bed ward
- Nightcliff Middle School Carpark and Kiss & Go
- Demolition of former Casuarina Fire Station
- Litchfield National Park car park resealing
- Jim McConville Oval lighting towers
- Reports, strategies and plans
- Commercial passenger vehicle reforms
- Darwin Regional Transport plan
- Electric vehicle strategy and implementation plan
- National Remote and Regional Transport Strategy
- Territory-wide Logistics Master Plan
- Commercial passenger vehicle review
- CPV review: Decision 1 - remove licence cap
- CPV review: Decision 1a - limit number of new licences
- CPV review: Decision 1c - require entrepreneur briefing
- CPV review: Decision 2 - key performance indicators for multiple purpose taxis
- CPV review: Decision 2a - remove high occupancy and multiple hire rates
- CPV review: Decision 2b - improve wheelchair accessible taxi levels
- CPV review: Decision 2d - financial assistance to equip wheelchair accessible taxis
- CPV review: Decision 2e - training for wheelchair accessible taxi operators
- CPV review: Decision 2f - educate passengers
- CPV review: Decision 3a - increase compliance activities
- CPV review: Decision 3b - monitor driver trip refusals
- CPV review: Decision 4 - upgrade training requirements for drivers
- CPV review: Decision 4a - develop a detailed core knowledge and capability syllabus
- CPV review: Decision 4c - networks to issue identity cards to drivers
- CPV review: Decision 4d - monitor biometric solutions to replace identity cards
- CPV review: Decision 5 - develop cosmetic standards for the interior of vehicles
- CPV review: Decision 5a - review and relax age limits of vehicles
- CPV review: Decision 6 - strengthen data collection and apply sanctions to KPI model
- CPV review: Decision 6a - review government role as regulator and advocate
- CPV review: Decision 7 - investigate chain of responsibility models
- NT rest facilities strategy
- NT Infrastructure Framework
- NT Infrastructure Audit 2023
- NT Infrastructure Strategy 2022 to 2030
- Industry
- NT Infrastructure Plan and Pipeline 2023
- Asbestos management for government assets
- Construction Snapshot
- Future procurement
- Aboriginal participation in construction projects
- Technical standards, guidelines and specifications
- Building design standards and construction specifications
- Civil construction materials testing
- Civil standard drawings
- Environmental management
- Road design and drafting tools
- Road development guidelines
- Road safety audits
- Road safety barriers
- Road safety treatments
- Road surfacing standards
- Technical records
- Requesting for NTG drawing numbers
- Request for technical records drawing number - building
- Request for technical records drawing number - roads
- Request for technical records road drawing number - DIPL and PWC joint project
- Request for drawing files - external consultants
- Request for drawing files - Private Development Road Corridor
- Technical specifications
- Transport and traffic data
- Transport infrastructure asset management
- Ecologically sustainable buildings policy
- Copper wire theft
- Transport and road safety
- Statistics
- Boards and committees
- Careers in infrastructure and logistics
- Feedback and consultation
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