Request for drawing files - Private Development Road Corridor

Before you fill in the form

Ensure you have a TCSD Project Number before completing this form. If not send an email to Corridor Management Section.


If you need help to fill in the form, contact the Technical Records team on 08 8924 7371.

Fill in the form

Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).

File types required *
Architect, Bridges, Civil, Electrical, Fire, Hydraulic, Mechanical, Services, Sewerage, Structural, Traffic, Water
Region *
eg Moil, Yulara, Victoria Highway
Format as 0000.000 KM
Format as 0000.000 KM
eg 2017-0001 (As issued by TCSD)
eg R0001
Ensure there are no spaces in the email address including at the end.

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