Arnhem Highway duplication planning study

Latest update

The concept plan has now been released.

The Northern Territory Government has released its final concept plan for the future duplication of the Arnhem Highway at Humpty Doo.

The duplication area is a 10 kilometre stretch of the highway that spans from the Stuart Highway intersection to Kostka Road.

Currently the road is one lane each way and the concept plan identifies a preferred duplication for potential delivery in the medium to longer term. The duplication plan informs the Humpty Doo Rural Activity Centre Area Plan. At this time funding for construction has not been committed. The timeline to undertake the duplication works are unknown.

Arnhem Highway is a key route in the Northern Territory road network connecting Darwin to the World Heritage Listed Kakadu National Park, Arnhem Land, Mt Bundy Quarry and numerous communities, stations, farms, and tourist operations. The route supports economic growth in industries such as tourism, agriculture, mining and construction.

This busy section of road is the main access point for the commercial hub of Humpty Doo and its schools, businesses and shops.

Residents, businesses, commuters and other road users in the area provided extensive feedback in late 2021 and late 2022 on how they use the road and a proposed concept design for upgrades.

The key objectives of the planning study were to:

  • provide safe access to enable future land developments
  • provide an efficient route to improve freight productivity
  • provide a safe and attractive route to support tourism and rural residential development
  • manage future transport needs.

Key features of the final concept design based on community feedback received in late 2021 are:

  • fully signalised traffic lights at the Stuart Highway and Arnhem Highway intersection
  • pedestrian crossing across the Stuart Highway and Arnhem Highway intersection
  • new service road to provide access to properties opposite the Didgeridoo Hut
  • four-way signalised intersection at Hayball Road and Power Road to allow properties to retain safe and direct access in all directions and facilitate a future north-south collector route through Humpty Doo
  • no change to the alignment of Spencley Road and no signalisation of Spencley Road and Kennedy Road intersections
  • extending and connecting Challoner Circuit to the Arnhem Highway to allow safe and efficient traffic through local shops and schools
  • retaining existing un-signalised Freds Pass Road intersection with right turn into Arnhem Highway from Freds Pass Road moved to new intersection of Challoner Circuit extension
  • a P-turn between Zamia Road and Trippe Road to allow large vehicles to U-turn safely
  • a staggered four-way intersection at Trippe Road to allow for heavy vehicle movements to and from the quarry to the south
  • extending the existing shared path through the entire duplication area on the southern side of the highway

Review the final concept design

You can also view the project fact sheet PDF (1.8 MB).

Consultation and initial design

Two stages of stakeholder and community consultation were undertaken during the planning phase.

Stage 1 consultation was open for five weeks from 15 November 2021 to 20 December 2021. Stage 2 consultation was open for four weeks from 18 November 2022 to 16 December 2022.

During consultation, feedback was invited on concept plans showing the duplication and proposed intersection upgrades. This included seeking thoughts about options for a new intersection on the Arnhem Highway to connect areas north of Humpty Doo via a new north-south connector.

For more information, read the Arnhem Highway fact sheet PDF (1.8 MB),  review the video and see the initial concept via image maps PDF (1.7 MB).


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