Bagot Road - improving cycling

Improving safety for commuter and recreational cyclists is supported by the Darwin Regional Transport Plan and the Towards Zero Road Safety Action Plan.

The Northern Territory Government is investigating ways in which cycling safety on Bagot Road can be improved and has commissioned a planning study to improve cycling conditions including development of concept design options.

Bagot Road currently includes a shared path for cyclists and pedestrians on the outbound side of the road. However, the path varies in width and pavement quality, and crosses multiple accesses and driveways with poor visibility for both cyclists and drivers.

The planning study aims to:

  • identify potential options for improved cycling infrastructure on Bagot Road
  • plan for a strategic cycling route between the northern suburbs and the Stuart Highway.

Community consultation

Development of concept design options will take into consideration both:

  • technical requirements
  • community feedback.

Stage one consultations closed in early 2021.

For more information on consultations, go to the Have Your Say website.


Transport Planning
Phone: 08 8924 7118

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