Berrimah gravity sewer construction

The Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics is constructing a new sewer main in Berrimah to support growth and future development in the area.

The 1.5km main will run from the northern side of Tiger Brennan Drive behind Willes Road, cross under Tiger Brennan Drive and connect to the Berrimah Waste Stabilisation Ponds.

Construction is planned to begin in April 2023 and be completed by February 2024.

During construction, traffic management will be in place to ensure a safe environment for all road users.

The sewer main will immediately service new developments in Berrimah and provide a reliable and efficient system to cater for future growth in the area.

For more information on this project, please contact the Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics email at

Motorists, residents and business owners are asked to like and follow RoadReportNT on Facebook for up to date information as work progresses.

Map showing Berrimah gravity sewer site

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