Middle Arm Sustainable Development Precinct

The Northern Territory Government (NTG) is working with industry and the Australian Government to transform Middle Arm into a sustainable ‘development ready’ industrial precinct.

Learn more about the precinct on the Middle Arm website.

Preserving the environment including Darwin Harbour for generations to come is an important part of meeting the sustainability objectives of the Middle Arm Sustainable Development Precinct (the precinct).

The precinct is proposed across approximately 1,500 hectares of industrial land and will:

  • capitalise on the Territory’s strategic location and world-class solar resources
  • be designed to attract industries reflective of the Territory’s future economy including hydrogen, carbon capture, advanced manufacturing and minerals processing
  • drive industry diversification, exports, job creation and population growth
  • play a pivotal role in growing the Northern Territory (NT) economy.

Infrastructure map

Click on the map to enlarge it.

Read the project update PDF (3.9 MB).

Sustainable outcomes are at the core of the Middle Arm Sustainable Development Precinct.

The master planning process will deliver concept designs for the integration of dedicated renewable energy links such as solar, carbon capture and shared waste water treatment facilities.

The essential elements and opportunities of a sustainable development precinct as it relates to Middle Arm include:

  • maximising renewable energy use
  • maximising economic outcomes while minimising environmental and social impacts
  • efficient water use including reuse where possible
  • circular economy principles including reusing waste streams (such as using waste as a feedstock) and carbon capture
  • efficient use of infrastructure.

Preserving Darwin’s environmental values, including the Darwin Harbour, is a critical goal to meeting the sustainable objectives of the Middle Arm Sustainable Development Precinct.

There are a number of other benefits of developing a precinct which lead to sustainable outcomes. You can read more in the project overview fact sheet.

The Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics (DIPL) has commissioned a strategic environmental assessment (SEA) that takes account of all likely activities in the precinct for the next 50 years.

The SEA will seek approval for a program of development under the:

  1. Environment Protection Act 2019 (which considers environmental, social, cultural, economic and health impacts and management regimes)
  2. Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (which considers impacts on matters of national environmental and heritage significance).

Commencement of the SEA is the starting point of a rigorous process. It will ensure all potential environmental, social, cultural and economic impacts are considered. Protecting the environment, including Darwin Harbour, is an important part of this work.

The SEA considers the direct footprint of the precinct as well as all areas likely to be affected by project activities such as:

  • land clearing
  • air emissions, noise and waste
  • water and energy use
  • any impact on plants and animals, particularly threatened species
  • disturbance from infrastructure such as roads, jetties and pipelines
  • dredging and shipping in Darwin Harbour
  • workforce planning, land use plans, access routes and impacts on the amenity and wellbeing of people living in the Greater Darwin Area
  • cultural, economic, tourism and recreational uses of the land and seas.

The requirements of the Strategic Assessment process are set out in the below documents:

Strategic Assessment Agreement under section 146 of the EPBC Act

The Strategic Assessment Agreement (Agreement) PDF (1.1 MB) made under section 146 of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act) was signed by the NT Chief Minister on 18 March 2022 and the Commonwealth Minister for the Environment on 31 March 2022. The Agreement sets out the requirements for development and endorsement of the Middle Arm Sustainable Development Precinct (MASDP) Program and the preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) that assesses the impacts of the Program on matters protected by the EPBC Act.

There is also a Variation to the Agreement PDF (5.1 MB) signed on 4 December 2023. The Agreement was varied to revise the maps of the Strategic Assessment area and reflect the name change of the Commonwealth Environment Department to the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water.

Terms of Reference for Strategic Assessment by an EIS under the EP Act (NT Terms of Reference)

The final NT Terms of Reference were issued by the NT EPA on 29 September 2022 following a period of public consultation and feedback that took place from 12 April – 10 June 2022. The NT Terms of Reference detail the information that is required to be provided in the EIS to meet the requirements of the NT EP Act.

Terms of Reference for a Part 10 Strategic Assessment under the EPBC Act (Commonwealth)

The Commonwealth Minister for the Environment agreed to finalise the Commonwealth Terms of Reference PDF (140.3 KB) on 4 October 2023. This followed public consultation and feedback on the Commonwealth Terms of Reference between 11 May – 10 June 2022. The finalised Commonwealth Terms of Reference detail the information that must be provided in the EIS as required under the EPBC Act.

Read more in the environmental assessment fact sheet PDF (217.0 KB).

Stakeholder and community engagement is an important part of precinct planning and environmental assessment.

With over 300 engagements to date, consultation is an ongoing process that will continue throughout the strategic assessment and beyond (should the MASDP strategic proposal be approved).

Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to learn more and provide feedback.

The project team are continuing to offer information sessions for those interested and you can email contact.MASDP@nt.gov.au to stay informed about upcoming engagement opportunities.

DLI will continue to engage with stakeholders and the community throughout precinct planning. This includes providing regular project updates.

Formal feedback points include:

  • engagement to inform the draft Environmental Impact Statement
  • public exhibition of the draft Environmental Impact Statement
  • development of supplementary information
  • public exhibition of supplementary information.

To find out more, register your interest in Middle Arm precinct or sign up for updates, email contact.masdp@nt.gov.au.

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