Tennant Creek to Darwin infrastructure corridor

The Northern Territory (NT) Government is investigating an infrastructure corridor from Tennant Creek to Darwin.

The proposed corridor would provide for future services such as multiple high pressure pipelines and infrastructure to carry a range of products including gas, oil, hydrogen energy, water, digital communications and electricity.

Project stages

The project is currently in Stage 2.

Pipeline & infrastructure corridor flowchart as described below

Each stage is described below:

  • Step/stage 1 - Prefeasibility study.
    Land tenure type assessment.
  • Step/stage 2 - Further investigations of the preliminary alignment to confirm constructability.
    Targeted discussions with key stakeholders including directly affected land owners and Native Title holders, AAPA, Land Councils.
  • Step/stage 3 - Options review and identification of preferred alignment.
    Community engagement including directly and indirectly affected land owners, nearby businesses and pastoralists, peak bodies and industry representatives, Aboriginal Land Councils and AAPA.
  • Hold point: Government consideration of options.
  • The following steps 4 - 7 are conditional on outcomes of previous steps:
    • Step/stage 4 - Securing the corridor for future infrastructure construction.
      Liaison and negotiation with directly affected landowners.
    • Step/stage 5 - Front End Engineering Design (FEED) for each pipeline/infrastructure.
      Targeted engagement with key stakeholders.
    • Step/stage 6 - Approvals for pipeline/infrastructure construction (e.g. Energy Pipelines Act).
      In accordance with legislative requirements.
    • Step/stage 7 - Construction of the pipeline/ infrastructure.
      Community engagement including directly and indirectly affected landowners, nearby
      businesses and pastoralists, peak bodies and industry representatives, Aboriginal Land Councils and AAPA.


As part of the planning process, the department is consulting with landowners, occupiers and Traditional Owners about the proposed infrastructure corridor.

The project team will notify landowners if their property is on the preliminary corridor alignment.

The final preferred corridor is subject to engagement with all relevant landowners and key stakeholders and further detailed investigations, including a sacred site survey.

The corridor route

A prefeasibility study undertaken by CNC Project Management has identified a preliminary corridor alignment which will be further refined and developed during consultation with stakeholders and further detailed investigations, including a sacred site survey.

Consolidating infrastructure services into one infrastructure corridor will minimise potential impacts on the land and landowners that could occur through development of multiple separate infrastructure corridors.

The prefeasibility study by CNC included analysing engineering, social, environmental and infrastructure factors including ground conditions, rivers, habitat, vegetation, land use, cultural heritage, protected sacred sites, cost and current infrastructure such as buildings and roads.

Delivery planning

The Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics is undertaking work to develop a business model to deliver and manage the Tennant Creek to Darwin Infrastructure Corridor.

A business model analysis, led by consultants PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) and PwC’s Indigenous Consulting (PIC), will identify a preferred model that is consistent with project’s vision to provide a consolidated, multi-user infrastructure corridor from Tennant Creek to Darwin.

The work by PwC and PIC will look at how the corridor could potentially be owned and operated.


There is no timeframe for when the infrastructure corridor will be built as there is a lot more work to do to secure the corridor, which will only be built as needed.

To find out more please view the project overview PDF (314.8 KB).


For more information, contact ntcorridor.dipl@nt.gov.au or free call 1800 921 301.

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