Two-aspect traffic signals
Two-aspect traffic signal operation has been introduced in the Northern Territory to ensure safe crossing for pedestrians and cyclists.
- When using the slip lanes, slow down and stop for the red arrow at the stop line as pedestrians and cyclists may be crossing.
- When no yellow or red signal is displayed, the lane is then used as a standard slip lane. Turning vehicles can proceed to the give way line and then must give way to oncoming traffic.
Intersections where two-aspect signals on slip lanes are currently operational:
- McMillans Road and Kalymnos Drive intersection
- Vanderlin Drive and Leanyer Drive intersection
- Stuart Highway and Tulagi Road intersection
Reminders of major road rules about traffic signals:
- When turning left, you must give way to any pedestrians and cyclists crossing the road into which you are turning.
- Remember to drive slowly and be prepared to stop at and near pedestrian crossings or traffic lights. As a driver, you are legally required to give way to pedestrians at crossings.
- Pedestrians must not cross when the red pedestrian light shows and must not start to cross when the red pedestrian light starts flashing.
- U-Turns are not allowed at traffic lights unless signed otherwise.
- All road users have a duty of care. We share the roads, we share the safety.
For further information, refer to Road Users' Handbook.