The Department of Logistics and Infrastructure has completed a review of taxi fares across the Northern Territory.
The Northern Territory Government, together with the Northern Territory Major Events Company (NTMEC), is building a permanent world-class motocross track at the Hidden Valley Motorsports Complex.
Changes to weekly tenders and quotations
The department’s weekly tenders advertising in the NT News ceased on 18 December 2024 and are now only posted to the department’s Facebook page.
The NT Government has aligned with the Australian Consumer and Competition Commission’s recommendation to adopt additional bicycle helmet standards in Australia.
2024 Alice Springs and Darwin Taxi Licence Ballots
Applications for the 2024 Alice Springs and Darwin taxi licence ballots are now open to eligible applicants, and close at 4pm CST on 31 January 2025.
Two-aspect traffic signal operation has been introduced in the Northern Territory to ensure safe crossing for pedestrians and cyclists.
Gifts and benefits declaration
With the festive season now in full swing, clients, stakeholders and contractors are reminded that our staff are unable to accept gifts and benefits.
Consent to Use a Temporarily Closed or Restricted Road
The Department of Logistics and Infrastructure has replaced the manual application for ‘Consent to Use a Temporarily Restricted or Closed Road’ (formerly ‘Special Consent’) with an online portal process.
As we approach the festive season, it’s important to remember to look out for your friends, family and colleagues.
National Asbestos Awareness Week (NAAW) 2024 is being held from 25 November to 1 December. This year’s theme is Think Twice about Asbestos.