Chung Wah and Emery Avenue roundabout

Latest update

This project is now complete.

A tender has been awarded for the construction of a new roundabout at the intersection of Chung Wah Terrace and Emery Avenue, Palmerston.

Construction began 8 May 2024 and is anticipated to take 6 months to complete.

Work Monday to Saturday, road closures, detours and reduced speed conditions can be expected. Night works will be required at times, with residents notified in advance.

Pedestrian access in the vicinity of the works will be maintained throughout the construction period. All pedestrians are advised to adhere to signage in place.

Part of the works, includes the removal or renewal of existing infrastructure including in-ground services like water mains and storm water, and established verge landscapes including footpaths and some trees.

Footpaths to suit the roundabout layout will be constructed and new landscaping provided as part of the works to improve the level of amenity at the new roundabout.

Engineering studies recommend the construction of a roundabout at the intersection of Chung Wah Terrace and Emery Avenue. A roundabout will reduce the risk of further crashes and effectively manage traffic flow.

Preliminary design concept

Proposed roundabout design for the intersection of Chung Wah Terrace and Emery Avenue.

This map is a proposed roundabout design for the intersection of Chung Wah Terrace and Emery Avenue.


If you would like to discuss the project further, contact:

Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics

John Kassaras
08 8999 4788


Works were completed in October 2024.

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