Central Australian Commercial Passenger Vehicle forum

The Central Australian Commercial Passenger Vehicle Advisory Committee assists industry groups with coordinating the commercial passenger vehicle transport task in the central and southern regions of the Northern Territory.

About the forum

Terms of reference

The Central Australian Commercial Passenger Vehicle (CPV) forum is established by the Director of Commercial Passenger (Road) Transport (the Director) under section 5(2) of the Commercial Passenger (Road) Transport Act. The Director determines forum membership and how it is to operate.

Functions and objectives

The functions and objectives of the forum are to:

  1. develop and promote cooperation between the various sectors of the CPV industry to improve and provide quality customer service;
  2. resolve within the limits of the law all the matters it can relating to the day to day operation of CPVs in its region;
  3. provide advice to the Director on matters that it cannot resolve; and
  4. refer strategic matters to the Director for consideration.

Culture of the forums

In carrying out its functions, the forum is guided by the principles of:

  1. serving the transport needs of the community;
  2. providing a safe and reliable transport service;
  3. meeting transport needs at times of peak demand; and
  4. providing quality customer service at all times.

Forum operation


The Central Australian CPV Forum covers the Alice Springs, Yulara and Tennant Creek regions. Forum members may be comprised of representatives from the:

  • taxi industry
  • minibus industry
  • private hire and limousine industry
  • motor omnibus industry
  • hospitality and retailers sector
  • tourism sector
  • city and/or regional council
  • industry training providers
  • consumer/passenger advocate
  • disability advocacy services
  • Northern Territory Government.

The Director (and any representative) is considered to be a non-voting member and cannot be elected as Chairperson or Deputy Chairperson.

Other key stakeholders will be invited as required, which may include representatives from the senior and youth sectors.

The forum may either:

  • elect a member to be Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson for a specified period, or
  • rotate the Chairperson role – where the Forum opts to rotate the role of Chairperson,  the Forum shall elect the Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson at the preceding meeting.


At a meeting of the forum:

  1. three (voting) members form a quorum;
  2. the Chairperson or, if he or she is not present, the Deputy Chairperson, will preside;
  3. all questions will be decided by a majority of the votes of the members present; and
  4. the Chairperson or, if he or she is not present, the Deputy Chairperson, has a deliberative vote and, in the event of an equality of votes, also has a casting vote.


The Forum will meet regularly, at a time determined by the Chairperson and notified to the members, but not less than four times per year.

Secretariat services

The Director is responsible for ensuring a representative is, or representatives are, available to carry out secretariat functions for the forum, including preparation of the agenda and meeting minutes.


Forum members will not be remunerated for meetings or functions carried out in their capacity as members.

Meeting minutes



2015 and Previous


Please contact your industry representative if you would like any issue raised or would like to provide feedback.

Name Stakeholder groupEmail
Noeline Laurie Disability Advocacy Services manager@das.org.au
Jason O'Brien Chairperson   v8tinster69@bigpond.com
Wayne Thompson Tourism Representative wthompson@austransit.com.au
Rodney Virgin Minibus Representative nintiwirri@bigpond.com
Kevin Everrett Alice Springs Town Council KEverett@astc.nt.gov.au
May Taylor Department of Logistics and Infrastructuremay.taylor@nt.gov.au
Gary Carter Eagle Training Services gary@eagletraining.com.au
Parmvir Singh 13 CABS alice.13cabs@hotmail.com
Collin Dawson Alice Springs Taxis asptaxis@bigpond.net.au
Ray Loechel Australian Hotel Association rloechel@gapviewhotel.com.au
Paul Alekna A&P Private Hire Cars bookings@anphire.com
Jaspreet Grewal Alice Taxis Association alicetaxisassociation@yahoo.com
Stephen PatulloNT Taxi Council RepresentativeStephen.patullo@outlook.com

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