Cycling statistics

This page has cycling statistics in Darwin, Alice Springs and Super Tuesday bike commuter count for the Northern Territory.

The raw data should be read in conjunction with the related report which contains a map and summary of the count details for each site.

  • Each count site is located at the intersection of 2 or more roads.
  • Each count site is given an individual site id.
  • The description column names each street in the intersection.
  • Columns headed layout refer to the location of the road in degrees from north.
  • All movement through the intersection is counted according to the direction of the movement.

For example:

  • Site 5467 in Darwin has 3 legs (Super Tuesday Commuter Bike Count - Darwin 2021 report page 10).
  • Peel Street is leg 1; Esplanade (NW) is leg 3; a cyclist travelling from Peel Street to the Esplanade (NW) is counted in column Leg1 - 3.

The numbers in columns headed female, male and total refer to numbers of cyclists.

Data is recorded in 15 minute blocks and totals the number of cyclists moving through the intersection from 6:30am to 6:45am, 6:45am to 7am etc.

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